Arnold Group at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee-Publications: Protein-Protein Inhibitors

A high-throughput screening assay for pyruvate carboxylase
Brittney N. Wyatt, Leggy A. Arnold, Martin St Maurice
Analytical Biochemistry 2018, 550, 90-98.

A Fluorescence-Based High Throughput Assay for the Determination of Small Molecule-Human Serum Albumin Protein Binding
Megan M. McCallum, Alan J. Pawlak, William R. Shadrick, Anton Simeonov, Ajit Jadhav, Adam Yasgar, David J. Maloney, Leggy A. Arnold*
Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2014, 406(7), 1867-75.

MSTI probe

High throughput identification of promiscuous inhibitors from screening libraries with the use of a thiol-containing fluorescent probe
Megan M. McCallum, Premchendar Nandhikonda, Jonathan J. Temmer, Anton Simeonov, Ajit Jadhav, Adam Yasgar, David Maloney, Leggy A. Arnold*
J. Biomol. Screen. 2013, 18(6), 705-713.

Synthesis and characterization of BODIPY-labeld colchicine
Leggy A, Arnold, Patricia Ranaivo and R. Kiplin Guy*
Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett 2008, 18, 5867-70.


*corresponding authors

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry-Arnold Group Chemistry Building 3210 Cramer Street Milwaukee, WI 53211-3029